Phone: 724-503-1001 x3346
Office: Burnett 218A
Email: caltmeyer@happy-miracle.com


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I have a Little Free Library in my yard. 书是用来分享和在人与人之间传递的!

Cathy Altmeyer, M.A.

Assistant Professor of German

Academic Program: German, German, German

Degrees: M.A. German, West Virginia University; B.A., Secondary Education, German, West Virginia University

Cathy Altmeyer是一名pa认证的德语K-12教师,一直在W&J since 2001. Her interests include everyday life in Germany, 以及在本科德语课程中使用儿童文学作为工具. 她教过5到70岁的学生德语,西班牙语和ESL. 她在美国德语教师协会西宾夕法尼亚分会非常活跃,并帮助安排两年一次的外语教师研讨会. 她还喜欢与未来的外语教师合作,每两年讲授一次《det365手机版官网》. Cathy is the W&三河中学生德语日比赛协调员, which is held annually at W&J.