Elizabeth Leet
Phone: 724-503-1001 x6173
Office: Burnett 206
Email: eleet@happy-miracle.com

Elizabeth Leet, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of French

Academic Program: French, Gender & Women's Studies, French

Degrees: Ph.D. University of Virginia; M.A. Middlebury College C.V. Starr School in France; A.B. Wellesley College

Elizabeth S. 李特是现代语言系法语助理教授.

Leet教授教授所有级别的法语,并举办从中世纪到18世纪的法国文学和文化研讨会, as well as on films that treat these periods. In her language teaching, 李特教授要求学生在与同龄人的互动中创造性地、自发地使用法语. 她的学生学习西欧的法语和法语文化, Africa, the Caribbean, 通过从当代电影到推特帖子的真实文件来了解美国和北美. In one medieval seminar, studying films like “The Sword in the Stone” (1963), “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” (1975), 和《det365手机版官网》(A Knight’s Tale, 2001),以及启发他们的中世纪浪漫故事,为学生们的期末项目做准备:把他们最喜欢的中世纪故事改编成一本儿童绘本.

In her scholarship, Professor Leet studies the relationships between people, animals, and the environment in medieval literature. She edited a 2020 special issue of the journal postmedieval entitled “Contact Zones: Fur, Minerals, Milk, and Other Things.” Each essay in “Contact Zones” studies an object, animal, or material in global medieval literature, art, 或者是产生或揭示人类身份与超越人类的世界之间特定关系的历史. Her current book project, 骑士:中世纪法国浪漫中的骑术、言语和性别, 根据中世纪骑士Jordanus Rufus所倡导的骑士训练原则,研究了女性马术的文学表现. In this work, 女性通过掌握鲁弗斯称之为马术能力之源的跨物种语言,在骑士精神方面超越了男性. 李特教授还写了关于煤炭、马匹训练和新中世纪主义的文章.