Todd Verdun, Ph.D. portrait
Phone: 724-503-1001 x6140
Office: DAVS 3

Ask me about....

the best way to get to Tintern Abbey to read Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey"; why I think there's an echo of medieval polyphonic sacred music in "The Chapel Hill Sound" of 1990s indie rock; or how you know when your gumbo roux is ready.

Todd D. Verdun, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English

Degrees: Ph.D. English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A. English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; A.B. English, Duke University

Dr. 凡尔登是一位热爱探索19世纪英国文学的副教授, poetry and poetics across time periods and cultures, and relationships among poetry, religion, science, and the arts. 他定期教授让学生积极参与这些研究的课程:浪漫科学, Romantic Mythologies, Faith in Poetry (poetry in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), British Lit 1660-1901, The World of the Brontes, The Gothic. As Magellan advisor to freshmen, 他已经帮助许多一年级学生计划和完善他们的申请W&J的创新项目,独立,资助暑期学习和旅行. Dr. 凡尔登大学经常与冲突与解决研究等跨学科项目合作, 他还是学院纽曼俱乐部的指导老师.

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