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保留一辆63年的雪佛兰科维尔,合法上路,木工活 & Dogs

Walter Elder, M.A.

Instructor of Mathematics

Academic Program: Mathematics, Mathematics

Degrees: M.A. Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh; B.S. Applied Mathematics & Physics, University of Pittsburgh; Instructional I Teaching Certification Secondary Mathematics Education, University of

Mr. Elder grew up in Oil City, PA. and earned a B.S. in Applied Mathematics & Physics, as well as a M.A. in Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh. 他还完成了中学数学教育教师认证课程和匹兹堡大学数学教育教育博士课程(但不是综合考试或论文).

In addition to teaching at Washington & Jefferson College, Mr. Elder has taught at Perry Traditional Academy in Pittsburgh, Triangle Tech, the University of Pittsburgh (Main & Greensburg campuses), Pittsburgh Technical College, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Penn State Beaver, and Slippery Rock University. 他还在卡内基学习公司(Carnegie Learning Inc .)担任了两年的课程开发人员., 发现编写教材来帮助学生学习数学是他教学中比较令人满意的方面之一.

他的爱好包括看橄榄球赛(他在匹兹堡花衣小丑队打了15年橄榄球).F.C.),保持他那辆63年的雪佛兰科维尔(Chevy Corvair)的活力和街头合法,做木工,在树林里消磨时间 & water with his two dogs- Gus-n-Newt.

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